Are You Making These 6 Breakfast Mistakes ?

We’ve all heard it before – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It gives you the necessary fuel for your body and brain. But, even if you’re eating this meal, consuming it the wrong way can be worse than eating nothing!
Let’s go through this checklist of 6 common breakfast errs and see how we fare:
1. Eating breakfast too late
Breakfast is meant to provide fuel for your after a long break from eating. Blurring the timings of breakfast and lunch makes your meal less efficient in curbing your hunger throughout the day. All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast, after all!
2. Not loading up on protein
Reaching for your usual bowl of cereal? One cup of milk provides eight grams of protein, but how often do you drink down all the milk?
Without sufficient slow-digesting proteins, you’ll be hungry sooner rather than later. Add a hard-boiled egg to your meal for extra protein or opt for a 100 percent whole-grain toast with a full spread of nut butter!
3. Having too little fiber
Fiber will keep you fuller for longer. Here’s the rule of thumb for your breakfast selection: there should always be at least five grams of fiber, and there should always be more fiber than sugar. You can add chia or flax seeds to boost the fiber servings in your meal.
4. Rushing through the flavours
Did you eat your breakfast in a rush or on your desk? Being mindful when having breakfast will help you feel more satisfied. It’s important as the first meal of the day, so try to dedicate time to eat and appreciate it.
5. Having cold food
Warm food helps your digestive system work properly. If you’re opting for a cold food option, have a warm drink like tea or coffee. These beverages should not make up your entire breakfast though!
6. Overeating
If you are using bigger plates or bowls for breakfast, it’s likely you’re having more food than you actually need. Use a small/medium bowl consistently every morning could make portion control easier.